Xpogo Stunt Team
Logo design and branding - promotional materials, team jerseys, plus flags and banners used in pogo performances around the globe.
The Xpogo Stunt Team is the live entertainment branch of Xpogo LLC - with a revolving cast of the world’s top extreme pogo talent, the team has performed over 12,000 shows across 25 countries.
Basic two color logo for use with screen printing and when a clean flat look is desired. 3D logo variation (modeled in Photoshop) for use in digital promotion and full color printing.
4x6 Postcards handed out at performances to drive traffic to website.
Pogo box skirt design - inspired by dazzle camouflage to create a lively show space.
14' Xpogo Stunt Team banner... and a front flip over five people
Xpogo Stunt Team jerseys